
We define a worker to be a machine client that operates on a schedule. This client also has associated scopes and roles to restrict how it can communicate with a Contxt API.

Machine Client

Within Contxt, a machine client is identified by a unique client id and secret pair. These credentials are generated for you when creating a service in Contxt. For more detailed information about this authentication flow, see here.

Base Worker Class

Our SDK provides a BaseWorker class to help abstract the authentication process between a machine client and a Contxt API. Upon instantation, the class will look for your machine credientials in the environment variables CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET, and then store this pair as the attribute auth. Next, your worker's business logic is defined in the do_work() method. If we need to make requests to a Contxt API here, we simply inject our credentials when instantiating the service class (i.e. FacilitiesService(self.auth)). Now, that class handles generating, sending, and refreshing your JWT to authenticate requests to that API.

For a more concrete example:

from import FacilitiesService
from contxt.workers import BaseWorker

class ExampleWorker(BaseWorker):
    def __init__(self):
        self.facilities_service = FacilitiesService(self.auth)

    def do_work(self):
        facilities = self.facilities_service.get_facilities()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    worker = ExampleWorker()